Web - кодинг: PHP:
Работа с .gz и .zip архивами
Работа с .gz архивами: <?php $filename = tempnam ('/tmp',
'zlibtest').'.gz'; print "\\n\\n\\n
\\n"; $s = "Only a test, test,
test, test, test, test, test!\\n"; // open file for writing with maximum
compression $zp = gzopen($filename, "w9"); // write string to
file gzwrite($zp, $s); // close file gzclose($zp); // open file for
reading $zp = gzopen($filename, "r"); // read 3 char print gzread($zp,
3); // output until end of the file and close
it. gzpassthru($zp); print "\\n"; // open file and print content (the
2nd time). if (readgzfile($filename) != strlen($s)) { echo "Error with
zlib functions!"; } unlink($filename); print " \\n\\n\\n"; ?>
Работа с .zip архивами: <php $zip =
zip_open("/tmp/test2.zip"); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry =
zip_read($zip)) { echo "Name: ".zip_entry_name($zip_entry)."\\n"; echo
"Actual Filesize: ".zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)."\\n"; echo "Compressed
Size: ".zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry)."\\n"; echo "Compression Method:
".zip_entry_compressionmethod($zip_entry)."\\n"; if (zip_entry_open($zip,
$zip_entry, "r")) { echo "File Contents:\\n"; $buf =
zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); echo
zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } echo
"\\n"; } zip_close($zip); } ?>
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